Salt and Kidney Health –Low Salt or No Salt Healthy Cooking and Tasty Recipes

Salt is not harmful for kidneys of a healthy person with proper condition of kidneys if consumed within prescribed limits. But for people with kidney disease salt is best avoided. Common salt that we consume is Sodium Chloride and people with CKD (Chronic Kidney Diseases) need to avoid salt. SALT

Safe Level of Salt/ Sodium Intake

For people who are not suffering from High Blood Pressure or Kidney Disease can consume up to 2300 milligram of salt daily. It is approximately 1 teaspoon. Best recommendation is up to 2000 milligram of sodium daily while 2300 milligram is safe but it is on the higher side.

For people suffering from High Blood Pressure or Kidney disease than it is recommended not to consume more than 1500 milligram of salt daily or little more than ½ teaspoon. sea-salt-powerful-remedy-that-cures-many-diseases

It Is Easy To Limit Salt / Sodium Intake

Cooking with selected spices and herbs can replace the requirement of salt in many recipes

Do check food labels before purchasing to check the sodium content

Avoid canned and packaged food. Avoid junk food as they contain high quantity of sodium

Salt substitutes are mostly high in potassium and too much of potassium needs to be avoided

Do request for low salt or salt free cooking while eating out

Strictly avoid salt dips during eating 475600565_8e99b64419_o

Cooking Without Salt

Some healthy alternatives to salt that also make your food tasty.

Meat, Fish, Egg Curry and Soups

Use commonly used spices in kitchen as per taste. Some ginger and garlic, Black pepper, red pepper, cloves may help to add more taste. 7778450582_5997b598a7_o.jpg

Vegetables – Boil, Curry and Soups

Basil (Tulsi), Cardamom, Bay Leaf, Thyme and other spices as per taste 9389533774_f57820e6ae_o.jpg

Baked Recipes

Cardamom, black pepper or red pepper sprinkle (as per taste) and other commonly used spices 4669843681_9402349d0f_b.jpg

Eat healthy and live happy

To Know on Kidney Disease, Symptoms, Treatment and Surgery Do Check  Our Article On Kidney Care and Cure 

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