CARDIAC EMERGENCY Team at DESUN HOSPITAL is quick to respond to any Heart Related Emergency Patient 24 Hours and 365 Days and even at Midnight. Just CALL DESUN EMERGENCY at 9051715171 to get necessary help regarding admission at DESUN Emergency. Any Heart related emergency like HEART ATTACK, CHEST PAIN, Breathing Difficulty, Discomfort in Chest, Loss of Consciousness DESUN has facility to delivery TIMELY TREATMENT.
Modern 4th Generation CATH-LAB for Angiogram and ANGIOPLASTY, OT for Emergency Surgeries, ICU with individual ventilator for each bed and Experienced Team of Specialist Doctors, Cardiac Surgeons and Expert Medical Teams helps to delivery Success even Emergency and Critical Cases.
Ambulance Assistance, Specialist Doctors and other facilities makes DESUN one of the most recommended hospital during medical emergencies.
DESUN perform Radial Angiogram and Radial Angioplasty is suitable cases where the procedure is performed through wrist and not through groin area making it much minimal painful and the healing is much faster. There is much less chance of post surgery complications and the patients can get back to normal life much sooner. Desun uses High quality STENTS and Stents are charged at Government of India approved Rates.
Dual Chamber Pacemaker surgery at DESUN is very popular where the patient gets DUAL CHAMBER High Quality AMERICAN PACEMAKER at an affordable cost. Dual Chamber pacemaker helps people to be more agile than Single Chamber Pacemaker and reduces much hindrance is leading a regular life.
Cardiac Devices related surgeries are also done at DESUN Hospital, to mention ICD-Single Chamber, ICD- Double Chamber, Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy, Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy -D
Minimally Invasive Heart Bypass (small Cut Heart Bypass popularly known) is performed at DESUN Hospital. Minimally Invasive Heart Bypass helps is much faster healing post surgery and the post surgery complications are much less. The patient recovers faster and there is only a small mark. The person can get back to regular life much faster than traditional heart bypass.
Desun aims to deliver high quality cardiac Treatment at an affordable cost and with this aim DESUN Hospital is ever enhancing the Cardiac Emergency Facility, Preventive Cardiac Care Facilities and Cardiac OPD. The regular developments in the hospital have largely helped DESUN to fulfill their aim of delivering heart related critical and emergency patient’s timely treatment.
DESUN Hospital has more than 100 heart related surgery facilities and few to mention are Arterial Heart Bypass (LIMA-RIMA Y) , Heart Valve Replacement, Hole in Heart etc
Cardiac OPD : Desun Cardiac OPD is attended is experienced cardiologists and cardiac surgeons and it is easy to visit the OPD through both online through website and offline booking (walking to hospital or over phone) and get cardiac consultation as per prior appointment
Preventive Cardiac Care: DESUN hospital Preventive Cardiac Care department and facilities includes OPD for consultation with cardiologists and cardiac surgeons, various heart and cardiac related medical test. Even tests that can predict chances of heart attack in near future. Superspeciality Test APOA 1 & APOB (2 Parameters) The ratio of APOA 1 & APOB indicates the chances of heart attack in the future. There are also modern Procedures like ANGIOGRAM (CAG) to check blocked or narrowed blood vessels of heart.
Useful Links
Cardiac Tests: https://www.desunhospital.com/list-of-desun-health-checks.php
Cardiac Surgeries: https://www.desunhospital.com/heart-related.php
24 Hours Emergency: https://www.desunhospital.com/index.php
DESUN OPD : https://www.desunhospital.com/doctor-list-2.php