Safe and Happy Holi 2016

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Image Credit FLICKR

A Festival of Colours

In India Holi and Dol Yatra is a festival colours. During this festival people play with colours and pour colours on each other. People meet families and friends and the celebration also includes special delicacies and good food.

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Organic Colour – Image Credit Wikipedia

Colour Courtesy

Use organic colours and strictly avoid chemical based colours

Do seek permission before pouring colour, do not pour colours on people who are not willing

Do not spray colours around eyes, mouth, ears and nose.

Do not pour colours or gulal on pet animals or stray animals. Colour remaining on skin will itch and licking colour can be harmful.

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Sweets – Image Credit Wikipedia

Food Favorites

Eat things you like, usually there are special delicacies on Holi. Do not over-eat. Diabetics and high blood pressure patients do take special care on quantity and food types.

Avoid consumption of intoxicating food items


Image Credit – Wikipedia

Good Gestures

Keep your cool, do not indulge in any kind of argument.

Keep a smile, greet and meet people

Help people in need of help

Be a law abiding and responsible citizen, do not drink and drive or drive rash


Image Credit – Kathea Pinto- FLICKR

Health and Hygiene

Do wash hand well before consuming food

It is very important to take bath soon after playing holi, remove colours properly to avoid any kind of itchiness and skin problems

Wish all a happy Holi and Dol Purnima. Enjoy the festivals of colours safely. Spread the awareness of a safe holi.