It was a challenge for Desun Burn Unit experts to save Ananya from the critical situation in which she was brought at Desun. Mrs. Ananya Jaiswal a 42 year old resident of Barasat suffered 60% burns in waist, shoulder, left hand, portion of abdomen and face. She was burned accidentally by crackers while attending a marriage ceremony in her neighborhood.
According to the burn unit specialist of Desun, Ananya’s condition was extremely critical as the initial 48 hours was already lost when she was brought at Desun. When asked her family about the loss of time, her husband said, “We took Ananya to a nearby nursing home. They initially treated her giving first aid. After a day the doctors said that the case has turned critical and it’s better to shift her to a hospital where critical cases are handled.”
Ananya’s condition was deteriorating fast with irregular heartbeats and low blood pressure. Desun’s specialist said “It is difficult to survive in 45% burn injury. But it was a challenge for Desun to save her. Her case was more difficult as she was suffering from obesity. The pulse rate and irregular heartbeats were severe obligations.” After the initial assessments and taking into account the adversities her treatment was initiated and Ananya started to respond.
Desun’s chief plastic surgeon said, “Gradually there was improvement in her condition through healing. Now the second level of treatment was to be done for which it was necessary to control the blood loss. Slowly her skin grafting (a procedure where skin substitute is placed over a burned skin to permanently replace it.) treatment was started.”
The total outcome was relieving. Ananya’s wounds started healing. After 12 weeks she walked back home on her feet getting healed by timely support and effort of Desun’s specialist doctors. Ananya was saved from the clutches of obvious death by Desun.
Burn Unit at private hospitals are not common in kolkata , West Bengal and not much among hospitals in India. Desun’s Burn Unit is very well equipped to manage , Desun Burn Unit Infrastructure http://desunhospital.com/burn-unit.php
DESUN Hospital Burns Unit : Kolkata – http://www.desunhospital.com | 9051715171 , Siliguri – http://www.siliguri.desunhospital.com | 9051640000
Various Types of Burns
1. First Degree Burns
2. Second Degree (Superficial) Burns
3. Second Degree (Deep) Burns
4. Third Degree Burns
The Burn Team at Desun Hospital includes
1. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon
2. Physiotherapist to prevent/minimise post burn contractures
3. Emergency Medicine Physicians and Staff
4. Psychiatrist
5. Nutritionist
6. Nursing Staff
The 24 Hours Active Infrastructure for Burns that includes treatment facility, dressing facility in sterile rooms and isolation units helps the chances of recovery for burn patients.