
Desun Today

Accurate Diagnosis only at Desun within shortest possible time:

Mr. Malay Ghosh, a 50 years old diabetic & Hypertensive patient had been visiting various hospitals during puja time in Kolkata for 3 days but surprisingly the reason for his chest pain could not be identified. Suddenly his neighbour recalled an advertisement regarding 24 hours Service with Specialist doctors.He gave the suggestion and then they reached Desun. At DESUN he was put through standard and advanced tests where it was diagnosed that he had already undergone a Heart Attack. He was immediately admitted in the ICU.


Echocardiography is a diagnostic test that uses ultrasound waves to create an image of the heart muscle as well as shows the blood flow through the heart. His ECHO reports showed the motion of a region of the heart muscle is abnormal. In his case it means MOTION WAS ABSENT.

Coronary Angiogram (a procedure that uses X-Ray imaging to see heart’s blood vessels) was done to find out the number of blockages in his arteries. The report revealed that he had heavy blockages in two major arteries. The patient was suffering from a 100% lesion in his LAD (Left Anterior Descending) artery and on 80% lesion in his LCX (Left Circumflex). It was necessary to perform Angioplasty (PTCA) to save him.

During Angioplasty (PTCA), stent for both LAD and LCX were used to regularize the blood flow. First a stent was deployed in the LAD. Then the procedure was repeated by passing a stent into LCX.

This procedure is rare and requires tremendous skills of the Interventional Cardiologist.

He was discharged within 4 days with excellent results.

This was possible only because of 24×7 presence of consultant of all disciplines, paramedics & full functional Radiology, Pathology & all major departments during the festive season.

As Desun is one of the youngest NABH accredited hospital in Eastern India & successfully re-accredited for consecutive 6 years in a row, believes in never to compromise with the quality. Desun still provides the American & FDA approved stents without compromising of quality & for better clinical outcome.

The case of Mr. Malay Ghosh was one of the most critical ones because he had already undergone a Heart Attack of some duration before he was admitted to DESUN Hospital. Had the Angioplasty been delayed the consequence could have been fatal. The prompt response of DESUN starting from accurate diagnosis of chest pain to conducting the rare Angioplasty is what sets DESUN apart from other hospitals.