
Desun Today

Heat Stroke

Is a condition of medical emergency, defined as hyperthermia with a body temperature more than 40.6°C for being exposed to high environmental temperature. It is a physiological state that combines failure of neurologic system and loss of body thermal auto regulation.


External Heat Stroke : Primarily due to physical activity & environmental factors & often strikes relatively healthy people.

Classic Heat stroke : Primarily due to heat exposure, more common in elderly vulnerable populations.

Heat stroke is occurred due to the failure of body’s cooling mechanisms (sweating and/or evaporative cooling) when exposed to brutal heat.

Excessive sweating
Muscle cramps

Internal organ damage
Fetal harm in pregnant women
Even death

Direct exposure to sun
Consumption of alcohol
Medication & age related physiological condition

First-Aid : Needs to be immediately begin by cooling the person. Move them to shade or an air conditioned building; remove constricting or clothing layers and cool the person with evaporative cooling (spray water on the patient while fans are running).

The diagnosis of heat stroke is almost always made by the patient’s symptoms, exposure to hot surroundings, and taking the core body temperature (rectal temperature). Other tests are usually done to check electrolyte levels, urine studies for renal damage, liver damage, and rhabdomyolysis (muscle breakdown).Tests such as chest X-ray, CT, or MRI may be ordered to search for additional organ damage.

DESUN has the most advanced medical infrastructure to handle any sort of emergencies. Most importantly the alertness, promptness & attentiveness of the healthcare team. When a patient is admitted with severe heat stroke we can also reasonably predict the further problems. The immediate diagnosis & medication will be there.

There is “24×7 Ambulance Network Cell” which is fully operational & helps you to locate an ambulance from anywhere in West Bengal in shortest possible time for admission at DESUN.

Wear loose-fitting, light colored clothing
Stay well hydrated
Avoid alcohol
Avoid direct sunlight
Avoid strenuous activity in the warmest part of the day
Some medications (diuretics, stimulants, sedatives)
Acclimatize if you are traveling or moving to a hot climate by limiting outdoor activities.