
Desun Today

Emergency Patient Shifted to Desun from a Local Nursing Home at Midnight

At just 52 years of age, Mr. Avijit Roy, a resident of Hooghly, was already chronic hypertensive and a chain smoker. One day, suddenly, past midnight Mr. Roy began having severe chest pain and respiratory difficulty; his blood pressure fell and he started sweating profusely. He was immediately rushed to the local nursing home. But they refused to admit him on grounds of non-availability of adequate support services for someone in his condition. Then, on the advice of a well-wisher, Mr. Roy was immediately rushed to the Emergency unit of Desun Hospital, Kolkata.


Desun’s Critical Care team immediately swung into action for initial management of Mr. Roy’s condition. He was put on oxygen. His ECG & Trop-T revealed that he had suffered an Acute Myocardial Infarction. Biomarkers like CPK, CPK-MB, CK were also sent. The expert team of full-time cardiologists administered Inj Morphine, Lasix and Dobutamine& other resuscitative measures immediately for intermediate relief.

Once the patient was stable, cardiologists decided to perform a coronary angiography through Radial Route – a procedure that requires a very skilled hand. The outcome of the angio report established a significant narrowing of one major artery (LAD) and one branch artery (D1). But, the major artery had a good flow. The side branch was left untouched. So, treating this side, branch (D1), with another medicated stent was difficult. The doctors performed the complicated procedure by putting stent on the branch artery (D1). After 72 hours in the ICU, Mr. Roy was shifted to the ward. He stayed there for two days, and was finally discharged in a stable condition.

In the previous issue of DESUN Update we had discussed DESUN EMERGENCY CARE at Desun Kolkata. In this issue we shall discuss more on How DESUN’s State-of-the-Art Heart Care Team saved a Critical life at Desun Kolkata.

Radial Angiography or Radial Catherization is an endovascular procedure which diagnoses and treats arterial disease.

The initial insertion of the needle through radial route is very simple
There is no manual painful compression of the artery to curb the bleeding
High patient satisfaction and minimal side effects
High patient satisfaction and minimal side effects
The radial artery is not close to a major nerve
The procedure is cost effective

A few pre-requisites for patients undergoing the trans-radial approach are:

Confirmation of a dual or protected blood supply to the hand
Proper supply of blood from radial and ulnar arteries to the hand and fingers

Desun Hospital performs the sophisticated procedures equipped with superior clinical skills, which makes patients comfortable and the process faster. Apart from this, the following factors work in Desun’sfavour :

Availability of experts round the clock, for 365 days, to handle each and every complex, acute emergency case through radial interventions.
The cardiologist decides the radial approach through an Allen’s test, which confirms normal functioning of radial and ulnar arteries.
Latest generation Cath Lab for 100% success in Radial Angiography and Angioplasty through better image resolution.
Highly-skilled team of Cardiologists and Cath Lab personnel.
Less chance of haematoma.
Less injection of contrast dye.
Faster mobility.
Less radiation exposure.
Ultimately, a daycare procedure.