
Desun Today

Accurate Diagnosis at DESUN HOSPITAL KOLKATA During Puja holidays

Mr. Kamal Ghosh, a 50 years old diabetic & Hypertensive patient had suddenly experienced a severe chest pain on “Astami” Puja holiday. Immediately he was shifted to a local Nursing Home but surprisingly the reason for his chest pain could not be identified. Suddenly his neighbor recalled an advertisement regarding availability of 24 hours Service with Specialist doctors during puja days. He gave the suggestion and then they reached Desun. At DESUN he was put through standard and advanced tests where it was diagnosed that he had already undergone a Heart Attack. He was immediately admitted in the ICU. His ECHO reports showed the motion of a region of the heart muscle is abnormal.


Coronary Angiogram was done to find out the number of blockages in his arteries. The report revealed that he had heavy blockages in two major arteries. The patient was suffering from a 100% lesion in his LAD (Left Anterior Descending) artery and on 80% lesion in his LCX (Left Circumflex). It was necessary to perform Angioplasty (PTCA) to save him.

During Angioplasty (PTCA), stent for both LAD and LCX were used to regularize the blood flow. First a stent was deployed in the LAD. Then the procedure was repeated by passing a stent into LCX.

This procedure is rare and requires tremendous skills of the Interventional Cardiologist.

He was discharged within 4 days with excellent results.

102 Years Old Patient saved at Desun Hospital. Dinanath Roy, residing near Shib Mandir, Bidhan Pally with obstructive Hernia in critical condition was operated on emergency basis. He was presented to emergency with chief complaints of lower limb tripling sensation. He was known case of left sided strangulation hernia. OT was done by our expertise team of General Surgery and the procedure was obstructed hernia released and repaired under SA. Post OT procedure was uneventful. He was shifted to recovery room treated nutritionally and other symptomatic supplementary measures. Now Mr. Dinanath Roy is better and recovering quick. Mr. Dinanath is very happy and feeling better now. This was possible only because of Modern medical facilities, competent medical teams, experienced doctors & qualified paramedical team at Desun Siliguri.