
Excision of Atrial Myxoma

Know Your Package Price and Other Details


  • 8 days Hospital Stay
  • Medicines, Consumables, Disposables & Investigations Related to the Procedure/ Package
  • Doctor Team Fees
  • Operation Theatre Charges

Does not include

  • Cost of Blood
  • Bed Charges Beyond 8 Days
  • Treatment of illness / Health Condition Not Directly Related to the Procedure / Package

Accommodation for “Out Station” Patient Party

For patient coming from far away districts, other states & outside India we can help you in finding accommodation of accompanying patient parties at Guest House/ Hotels near the hospital.


An Atrial Myxoma is a benign tumour of the heart, commonly found within the left and right atria on the interatrial septum.

Myxomas are primary heart tumours which mean they have their origin somewhere in the heart tissues. About 75 % of myxomas generally occur in the left atrium of the heart, usually beginning in the wall that divides the 2 upper chambers of the heart. The rest are in the right atrium. Right atrial myxomas are sometimes associated with tricuspid stenosis and atrial fibrillation. Myxomas are more common in women. About 10 % myxomas are passed down through families (inherited). Such tumours are called familial myxomas. They tend to occur in more than one part of the heart at a time, and often cause symptoms at a younger age than other myxomas.

Symptoms may occur at any time, but most often they accompany a change of body position. Symptoms may be:

Shortness of breath with activity
Difficulty breathing in the upright position with relief in the supine position (a position of the body , lying with face up) known as Platypnoea
Breathing difficulty when asleep known as Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
Sensation of feeling your heart beat known as Palpitation
Chest pain or tightness
Other Symptoms are:

Involuntary weight loss known as Cachexia
General discomfort known as malaise
Joint pain
Blueness of skin, especially the fingers known as Raynaud’s phenomenon

A few tests will be prescribed by the doctor to diagnose the myxomas, which may include:

Echocardiogram and Doppler Study
Chest X-Ray
CT scan of chest
Heart MRI

The tumour must be removed surgically. Some patients will also need their mitral valve replaced. This can be done during the same surgery. Myxomas may come back if surgery did not remove all of the tumour cells.


Why Patients like DESUN?

  • DESUN is the youngest hospital in India to get the prestigious National Accreditation Board for Hospitals (NABH) accreditation from Government of India for excellence in quality of medical treatment and hospital services. The world over, NABH is considered equivalent to the JCAHO (Joint Commission for American Healthcare Organizations) or JCI (Joint Commission International) standards followed in USA for hospital accreditation. Of the 1,000-plus hospitals in India who applied to the NABH, over the 6 years since it was founded, less than 100 have been able to achieve the high quality standard required to get NABH accreditation.
  • In the lead story of the November 2011 issue of national news magazine THE WEEK “India’s Best Hospitals” were covered, based on an All India Survey. DESUN Hospital was included in this prestigious list.
  • For excellence in quality of routine and Superspecialty pathology testing DESUN Pathology lab has also received the prestigious accreditation from the National Accreditation Board for Laboratories (NABL). In Eastern India only DESUN pathology lab has in-house facilities to perform superspecialty pathology tests like PCR, Flow Cytometry, etc. This benefits DESUN’s patients tremendously and there is practically no waiting time for getting test results when compared to other hospitals in Kolkata who have to send these tests to Mumbai or Delhi and wait for 3 / 4 days for get test results. Thus there is no delay in diagnosis and therefore, prompt and accurate treatment for DESUN’s patients.
  • There are only 7 hospitals in West Bengal considered by West Bengal Government as “Class 1 Hospital Service Providers” under the West Bengal Health Scheme – WBHS. DESUN is the first name in this list.
  • There are more than 100 hospitals in Eastern India empanelled by Central Government under Central Government Health Scheme – CGHS. Of these 100 only 2 hospitals have been able to qualify the high standards and have, therefore, been able to achieve the status of “Superspecialty Hospital” by CGHS. DESUN is one of the 2 Superspecialty hospitals categorized by CGHS.
  • 2 of the major fears any surgeon has before any operation is that of OT infection and cardiac, heart complications during or after the operation. If OT infections occur or the patient develops cardiac problems even the best surgeon cannot help you. DESUN is the only hospital in Kolkata having STEEL OPERATION THEATERS (Steel OTs) which drastically reduces chances of OT infection. After the surgery the patient is under the best care of doctors and nurses in the post operative phase at DESUN. Also DESUN has the largest Heart Institute in Kolkata to handle any cardiac emergencies during or after the operation.
  • With 28 medical departments having in-house specialist doctors any problem during your stay at DESUN can be handled by this specialist doctors’ team 24 hours. You may be admitted for a particular surgery but in the event there are some problems which a specialist needs doctor of another department it is available immediately in-house at DESUN. This facility is often not available at other renowned hospitals.

Desun Hospital Advantage – Know Why Desun Hospital , Siliguri is Your Best Choice


Desun hospital Siliguri is premium superspeciality hospital in Eastern India with state of art health care infrastructure. Desun hospital Siliguri is NABH and NABL accredited and follow strict quality parameters as per requirements.

Desun hospital is among the very few hospitals in India where there is more than 700 comprehensive surgery packages available. The composite surgery packages are all inclusive of the important things that are a part of any surgery process starting from information seeking by patient or patient party to the post operative care that may continue even after discharge from hospital. The surgery packages at the hospital have been developed by experienced medical team so that it is all inclusive and comprehensive.

The surgery packages at Desun Hospital Siliguri are affordable as per cost and quality. High quality health care services in a hospital in India at affordable cost are a combination that is indeed helpful to patients visiting the hospital from all over India, West Bengal and certainly Siliguri. People also visit the hospital from parts of the world like Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, South East Asia and Middle East.

The excellent patient service team and 24 hours emergency response also brings in local Siliguri residents and people from parts of West Bengal and North Bengal whose relatives, sons or daughters stay outside India. NRI’s and NROB’s have facility to enroll their parents and elders under the Desun Parent card scheme that enables them to take care of the hospitalization and health care needs of their senior citizen elders and parents back home in India. All payments and procedures of admission, discharge etc can be concluded online or over phone.

Desun hospital has facilities for latest surgeries and all modern equipments, OTs (Steel OT’s) and updated facilities to deliver excellence in terms of latest surgery techniques , modern well maintained equipments and over all top level health care infrastructure. Laparoscopic surgeries (lap) , key hole , minimally invasive and invasive surgeries all are conducted in the hospital. The hospital has advanced health care facility.

Highly experienced doctors, well trained staffs, active patient care team alongside the best surgery facilities provide a very good experience at Desun. This is evident from the numbers of people and families who recommend this hospital in Siliguri, India as a very dependable place for undergoing latest surgeries at an affordable cost. There are many success stories at Desun hospital those published and discussed even in leading national and local newspapers and news media in television. Desun’s medical team with it’s dedication and help pf advanced health care facilities at the hospital have done surgeries that are popular among hospital impact stories in India.